Djatougbe Aziaka holds a BA in Languages and has 5 year experience on environmental issues working as a journalist (print, radio, tv and social media). She is the President of Association WELFARE and the Director of Ecoconscience TV. The two sister institutions are working on sustainable development issues and have strong working relationship with UN agencies, foreign missions based in Togo and the government. Djatougbe also has participated in UNFCCC negotiations and other negotiations under UNEP SAICM and BRS Conventions.
Welfare Togo is involved in building the capacity projects in rural communities in which rural people are trained on how to utilize forest and wildlife resources in a sustainable manner. The organization has also introduced biogas and energy saving stoves in rural communities in order to reduce dependency on forest resources as a sole source of energy. environmental clubs were established. In these clubs students organize debates each Monday afternoon to discuss environmental challenges including those related to soil erosion, deforestation and desertification.
In 2017 this project won the UNEP Energy Globe Award.
Welfare Togo
PB 80002 Avedzi Prefecture
Golfe Lome, Togo
T: +22890762201
W: and
E: [email protected]