Mr. Surya Narayana Reddy
Organization : Grameena Vikas Samithi-GVS





Our experience with UNCCD is summarised in the following lines: Our experience is dedicated to Goal-15: Life on Land, and particularly Goal 15.3, which aims to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in Asia and the Pacific by 2030. As land degradation is one of the threats to humans and ecosystems, hence out of our experience gained for the last two decades as an accredited CSO, we could steer Asia and the Pacific region in close association with respective National Focal Points and local CSOs; with an ultimate aim to halt the trend of desertification and drought for improvement of livelihood options of vulnerable people in particular. This can be realized by the generation of awareness, and motivation of the people for the adoption of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices.

My passion towards mitigating DLDD and my contributions to The SPI, The UNCCD COPs, facilitating accreditation of Indian CSOs, etc., would enable me to offer my services as CSO panel member.


Grameena Vikas Samithi-GVS

BP: #6-8-947 NGOs’ Colony, TIRUPATI, Tirupati District, Andhra Pradesh State, India.

Telephone: +91 99594-52800, 91-877-2230594

Email: [email protected]


Current Panel Members

Eastern Europe
(Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN))
Latin America and the Caribbean
(Afrique Esperance)
(DesertNet International -DNI)
Western Europe

Previous members

(Mision Verde Amazonia)
Latin America and the Caribbean
Eastern Europe
Western Europe and Other Group