Pablo Andrés is a bachelor veterinary and zootechnies and magister in Sustainable Production Systems of the University of Amazonia.
He works as Projects Director in Mision Verde Amazonia for five years, and actually, he manages a project related to productive reconversion of traditional livestock production where has been intervened more than 40000 hectares in the implementation of silvopastoral systems for land restoration, green energies as photovoltaic and biodigesters, reforestation with more than 700000 planted trees, and basic and applied research for improvement of production systems. He is Research Junior endorsed by the national committee of science, technology, and innovation from Colombia, also he is the Research leader of the investigation and studies of sustainable development group (GIEDES) linked to Mision Verde Amazonia. Pablo Andres has participated in the CRIC17 held in Georgetown Guyana in January of 2019, and recently he participated in the COP 14 held in New Delhi, India in September of 2019.
Misión Verde Amazonia has been an active CSO that has promoted the regional integration of other CSO both members as not members of UNCCD that let the dissemination of relevant information about the objectives of UNCCD in land degradation neutrality.
Pablo Andres aims to promote the flow of information between organizations of Latin América and the Caribbean, to contribute to periodical meetings for strengthen the Latin América Network for the exchange of information and the construction of a joint vision and a regional program that strengthens the development of activities that contribute to the fight against desertification, the inclusion of gender mainstreaming in the activities of different organizations, the addressing crosscutting issues with the other sister conventions of Rio 92. Moreover, he will also participate in the periodic meetings with the other members of the panel in a virtual and face-to-face manner, will encourage the participation of other CSOs in convention spaces such as CRIC and COP, thus the recognition of other CSOs from LAC that work in land restoration, public policies for land planning, etc., as member of this important convention. In conclusion, Pablo Andrés has a great interest in strengthening and exchanging experiences among organizations in the region that will enable the achievement of the LDN goals set in the countries of the region.
Corporacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible y Mitigación del Cambio Climatico - Misión Verde
Address: Calle 20 No. 11-04 Barrio la Consolata Florencia, Caqueta, Colombia
Telephone: +57 (0)38 434 7958
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]