• CRIC 19 - Agenda


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CRIC 19 - Agenda

Provisional agenda and annotations
Note by the secretariat.

I. Provisional agenda

  1. Opening of the session;
  2. Organizational matters:
    (a) Adoption of the agenda and schedule of work;
    (b) Appointment of the Rapporteur of the Committee;
  3. Effective implementation of the Convention at national, subregional and regional levels:
    (a) Update on the implementation of the voluntary land degradation neutrality targets and related implementation efforts;
    (b) Update on the operationalization of the Land Degradation Neutrality Fund;
    (c) Update on the implementation of the Drought Initiative and related
    implementation efforts;
  4. Interim report of the intergovernmental working group on effective policy and implementation measures for addressing drought under the UNCCD;
  5. Adoption of the report of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention to the Conference of the Parties;
  6. Closure of the session.

II. Annotations to the provisional agenda

Dates and venue of the session

1. By its decision 15/COP.14, the Conference of the Parties (COP) decided that the nineteenth session of the Committee for the Review of Implementation of the Convention (CRIC 19) should be held in the second half of 2020 at the most cost-effective venue of either Bonn, Germany – the site of the Convention secretariat – or any other venue with United Nations conference facilities in the event that no Party makes an offer to host the session and meet the additional financial costs.
2. Taking into consideration the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and after consultations with the Bureaux of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC) and the COP, it was decided that CRIC 19 shall take place virtually from 15–19 March 2021, over five working days as a non-negotiating session. The daily online meetings will last for two hours from 12.30–2.30 p.m. Bonn time (Central European Time). The secretariat will ensure that information on the organization of the session will be communicated to Parties in due course.

Provisional agenda

3. According to the terms of reference of the CRIC, as set out in the annex to decision 13/COP.13, the provisional agenda for the sessions of the CRIC is to be prepared by the Executive Secretary in consultation with the CRIC Bureau.
4. Accordingly, decision 14/COP.14 was considered when compiling the provisional agenda for this session, along with other relevant decisions of the COP, including decisions 15/COP.14, 23/COP.14, 24/COP.14 and 26/COP.14. The provisional agenda was also adjusted to take into consideration the limited time available for CRIC 19.


5. Official pre-session documents will be made available in due course in the meeting portal of the secretariat.

1. Opening of the session

6. CRIC 19 will be opened by the Chair of the CRIC, who was elected at COP 14. In accordance with rule 31 of the rules of procedure of the COP and paragraph 8 of the annex to decision 13/COP.13, the Chair of the CRIC shall be elected at the final meeting of the COP and shall assume office immediately.
7. The CRIC may wish to consider the following scenario: at the opening session on 15 March 2021, the Executive Secretary of the UNCCD and the Chair of the CRIC will present key notes on issues before CRIC 19. Following the introduction of each agenda item, representatives of regional and interest groups will be invited to make statements followed by statements from United Nations agencies and/or other stakeholders, including civil society. The aim is to facilitate a discussion among Parties and their development partners on experiences made at the national level relating to topics discussed during the plenary meetings.

2. Organizational matters

(a) Adoption of the agenda and schedule of work

8. The CRIC will have before it for consideration and adoption the provisional agenda contained in this document (ICCD/CRIC(19)/1). A tentative schedule of work for the session is contained in the annex to this document and detailed in the sections below.

  • ICCD/CRIC(19)/1 – Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the secretariat

Purpose of the session

9. In accordance with the terms of reference, adopted at the thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 13), the CRIC – during intersessional sessions – is to:
(a) Undertake an assessment of implementation against progress indicators every four years and against narrative sections within the reporting template every two years;
(b) Review financial flows for the implementation of the Convention.
10. In line with the terms of reference of the CRIC, and in light of the virtual format of CRIC 19, the Bureau of the CRIC decided that plenary meetings will provide Parties with the opportunity to exchange their experiences and discuss the issues on the agenda.
11. Action: The CRIC will be invited to adopt its agenda and schedule of work for the session.

(b) Appointment of the Rapporteur of the Committee

12. At the opening session on 15 March 2021, the Chair of the CRIC will call for the election of the Rapporteur for CRIC 19 and CRIC 20. The Committee will then take up the agenda items according to the tentative schedule of work as detailed in the annex to this document.

3. Effective implementation of the Convention at national, subregional and regional levels

(a) Update on the implementation of the voluntary land degradation neutrality targets and related implementation efforts

13. Background: By decision 12/COP.14, paragraph 2, Parties requested the secretariat to include regular stocktaking of the voluntary target-setting exercise in official documentation prepared for intersessional sessions of the CRIC.
14. Since 2018, one major focus of the Global Mechanism (GM) has been to support country Parties in their voluntary land degradation neutrality (LDN) target-setting processes and deliver additional support for the early stage development of LDN transformative projects and programmes, enabling Parties to move towards the implementation of their LDN targets. The voluntary target-setting process includes 123 UNCCD Parties that are committed to setting LDN targets, of which over 90 have already completed this exercise. Support to the development of national and subregional transformative projects and programmes to translate LDN commitment into concrete actions at scale is gathering pace, involving over 70 countries.
15. Document ICCD/CRIC(19)/2 provides an update on specific activities supporting Parties in their voluntary LDN target-setting efforts and how they advance these activities towards implementation through the development of LDN transformative projects and programmes with the support of the GM.
16. Action: The CRIC will be invited to review the report prepared by the GM and engage in an information exchange on this topic. The discussions will be reflected in the final report of CRIC 19.

  • ICCD/CRIC(19)/2 – Update on the implementation of the voluntary land degradation neutrality targets and related implementation efforts. Report by the Global Mechanism

(b) Update on the operationalization of the Land Degradation Neutrality Fund

17. Background: By decision 13/COP.14, paragraph 7, Parties requested the GM to submit a report on the operations of the Land Degradation Neutrality Fund (LDN Fund) at sessions of the CRIC.
18. Consistent with decision 3/COP.12 that requested the Managing Director of the GM to assist in “the creation of an independent LDN Fund”, the GM spearheaded the development of the LDN Fund, which culminated in the official launch of the LDN Fund at the COP 13 in Ordos, China. Mirova, an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, was selected as the manager of the LDN Fund through a competitive selection process, and the firm took on full responsibility to independently manage the Fund. Subsequently, the LDN Fund has made substantial progress from an operational point of view. According to Mirova, investors have committed USD 160 million to the LDN Fund to date, out of a target of USD 300 million. The LDN Fund made its first investments in Bhutan and Peru.
19. The GM will produce a report that would feature and elaborate on the operationalization of the LDN Fund, including an update on the activities concerning the operationalization of the Fund and its affiliated Technical Assistance Facility (TAF), which is managed by the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH). The GM will coordinate closely with both the LDN Fund and the TAF in producing the report.
20. Action: The CRIC will be invited to review the report prepared by the GM and engage in an information exchange on this topic. The discussions will be reflected in the final report of CRIC 19.

  • ICCD/CRIC(19)/3 – Operationalization of the Land Degradation Neutrality Fund. Report by the Global Mechanism

(c) Update on the implementation of the Drought Initiative and related implementation efforts

21. Background: By decisions 23/COP.14, 24/COP.14 and 26/COP.14, Convention institutions have been requested to further extend support to various initiatives and policy frameworks adopted by Parties relating to drought, gender, and land tenure. 22. Document ICCD/CRIC(19)/5 outlines activities implemented by Convention institutions since COP 14 with regard to the following policy frameworks: drought, gender and land tenure. 23. Action: The CRIC will be invited to review the report prepared by the secretariat and the GM, and engage in an information exchange on these topics. The discussions will be reflected in the final report of CRIC 19.

  • ICCD/CRIC(19)/5 – Follow-up on policy frameworks and thematic issues: gender, Drought Initiative and land tenure. Note by the secretariat

4. Interim report of the intergovernmental working group on effective policy and implementation measures for addressing drought under the UNCCD

24. Background: By decision 23/COP.14, Parties decided to establish an intergovernmental working group on effective policy and implementation measures for addressing drought under the Convention, with a view to presenting its findings and recommendations to Parties for their consideration at COP 15. The same decision also requests the group to prepare and submit an interim report to the CRIC at its nineteenth session.
25. Decision 23/COP.14 specifies the terms of reference of the group, requesting it to take stock of and review the existing policy, implementation and institutional coordination frameworks, including partnerships, on drought preparedness and response. Furthermore, Parties requested the group to consider options for appropriate policy, advocacy and implementation measures at all levels for addressing drought effectively under the Convention, in the context of a wider holistic and integrated approach to disaster risk reduction, and enhancing the resilience of communities and ecosystems. Document ICCD/CRIC(19)/4 will provide an overview of the activities undertaken by the group to comply with the decision.
26. Action: The CRIC will be invited to review the report prepared by the intergovernmental working group and provide feedback to the group for it to finalize its submission to Parties at COP 15. Feedback emanating from this discussion will also be recorded in the final report of CRIC 19.

  • ICCD/CRIC(19)/4 – Interim report of the intergovernmental working group on effective policy implementation measures for addressing drought under the UNCCD. Report by the intergovernmental working group

5. Adoption of the report of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention to the Conference of the Parties

27. Background: In accordance with decision 13/COP.13, annex, paragraph 4, the CRIC is to regularly report to the COP on all aspects of its work, in particular through:
(a) A final report on sessions held between ordinary sessions of the COP containing its recommendations on further steps to be taken to facilitate the effective implementation of the Convention;
(b) Draft decisions prepared at sessions held in conjunction with ordinary sessions of the COP, where necessary, for consideration and adoption by the COP, containing substantive elements to facilitate the effective implementation of the Convention, demonstrating targets, assigned responsibilities and the expected financial implications of their implementation, as necessary.
28. In light of the changed format of CRIC 19 from a face-to-face to a virtual session, the Bureau of the CRIC decided to forego the step prescribed in paragraph 27 (a), namely to identify recommendations on further steps to be taken in the implementation of the Convention during this intersessional session. Instead, the Bureau decided to include in the substantive part of the final report of CRIC 19 a summary of what has been said during the session. Parties at CRIC 19 will consider and adopt the report of the session in its meeting convened on 19 March 2021 with the understanding that recordings of the session will be used after the session to produce the substantive part. Parties at CRIC 19 will therefore adopt the procedural part of the report and authorize the rapporteur to finalize the report with the assistance of the secretariat.
29. Action: The draft report shall be adopted by the CRIC at its nineteenth session with a view to preparing draft decisions for CRIC 20.

6. Closure of the session

30. The Executive Secretary of the UNCCD will present concluding remarks on CRIC 19 issues. Representatives of regional and interest groups are also expected to present their final concluding statements, followed by statements from United Nations agencies and/or other stakeholders.
31. The Chair of the CRIC will present his final remarks on issues before CRIC 19 and declare the session closed.


Tentative schedule of work for the nineteenth session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention

15 March 2021
12.30 p.m. – 14.30 p.m. Central European Time

Opening of the nineteenth session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC) by the Chair of the CRIC

• Opening of the session

• Organizational matters
- Adoption of the agenda and schedule of work (ICCD/CRIC(19)/1)
- Appointment of the Rapporteur of the Committee

• Effective implementation of the Convention at national, subregional and regional levels
- Update on the implementation of the voluntary land degradation neutrality targets and related implementation efforts (ICCD/CRIC(19)/2)

16 March 2021
12.30 p.m. – 14.30 p.m. Central European Time

  • Effective implementation of the Convention at national, subregional and regional levels (continued)
    - Update on the operationalization of the Land Degradation Neutrality Fund (ICCD/CRIC(19)/3)

17 March 2021
12.30 p.m. – 14.30 p.m. Central European Time

  • Effective implementation of the Convention at national, subregional and regional levels (continued)
    - Update on the implementation of the Drought Initiative and related implementation efforts (ICCD/CRIC(19)/5)

18 March 2021
12.30 p.m. – 14.30 p.m. Central European Time

  • Interim report of the intergovernmental working group on effective policy and implementation measures for addressing drought under the UNCCD (ICCD/CRIC(19)/4)

19 March 2021
12.30 p.m. – 14.30 p.m. Central European Time

  • Interim report of the intergovernmental working group on effective policy and implementation measures for addressing drought under the UNCCD

  • Adoption of the report of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention to the Conference of the Parties
  • Closure of the session

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