• COP15 Preparatory Webinar


Copy of CSOs Preparatory Meeting to the CRIC19 of UNCCD (1)

COP15 Preparatory Webinar

The CSO panel invites the representatives of civil society organizations accredited to the UNCCD to

a Preparatory Webinar for UNCCD COP15

on the 26th of April 2022 starting at 3pm CET.

Zoom link: https://unccd-int.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-BMeb0ZGQTyXhuyAKPVWjQ

English only
(Pre-registration required)

Agenda of the meeting:

For those who could not join the webinar, we look forward to seeing you in Abidjan, on the 8th of May for the CSOs onsite preparatory meeting at the COP15 venue.


To ensure a coordinated preparation of the civil society, the CSO panel also invites you to spare 5  minutes of your time to fill out our survey: https://framaforms.org/cop15-unccd-cso-participation-1649240007

Thank you!

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